Pipeline for 3'-seq analysis
[Download] [Fork] 2Pipeline for 3'-seq analysis
[Download] [Fork] 2Pipeline for single-end 5C processing
[Download] [Fork] 1Build indexes and annotation files for Nextflow pipelines
[Download] [Fork] 0Nextflow pipeline for Allele-specific analysis
[Download] [Fork] 0Nextflow pipeline for ATAC-seq data analysis
[Download] [Fork] 1Development worklow protocols for bioinformatics pipelines with git and gitlab
[Download] [Fork] 0Nextflow pipeline for ChIP-seq data quality controls and analysis
[Download] [Fork] 0Automatic Configuration GENerator and Installer for nextflow pipeline. This is a set of utilities to implement the best practises for the development of bioinformatics analysis pipelines with nextflow
[Download] [Fork] 2This is a demo pipeline with the best practises for the development of bioinformatics analysis pipelines with nextflow and geniac (Automatic Configuration GENerator and Installer for nextflow pipeline).
[Download] [Fork] 0This is a demo pipeline with the best practises for the development of bioinformatics analysis pipelines with nextflow DSL2 and geniac (Automatic Configuration GENerator and Installer for nextflow pipeline).
[Download] [Fork] 0This is a template to pipeline with the best practises for the development of bioinformatics analysis pipelines with nextflow and geniac (Automatic Configuration GENerator and Installer for nextflow pipeline).
[Download] [Fork] 2HiC-Pro: An optimized and flexible pipeline for Hi-C data processing
[Download] [Fork] 0Nextflow pipeline for quality controls and trimming of raw sequencing data
[Download] [Fork] 1Nextflow RNA-seq pipeline for quality controls and gene expression
[Download] [Fork] 1